This important work will explore the erosion crisis in Chatham at Morris Island and the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge. The focus of the story will be on the cause and effect of erosion at the refuge and its impact on the land, public visitation, and plans moving forward. The story will also address the larger problem of climate change, sea level rise, underwater hydraulics and how these forces are having an impact on Chatham and surrounding ocean side communities and low-level areas on Cape Cod.
The team has already shot several hours of footage around the Monomoy refuge from the ground and the air illustrating the stark reality of the erosion crisis. Some of the footage now in review for edit, is the erosion of over 80 feet of the bluff overlooking the Atlantic ocean, the disappearance of the scenic trail, uprooting of two hundred trees, removal of the staircase leading the beach below, demolition of the National Weather Service building, and the heart breaking tear down and removal of the 100-year-old former Coast Guard garage that served as the refuge dormitory housing staff and scientific partners.
Interviews are also underway with the leaders from the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative, Chatham Coastal Resources, Center for Coastal Studies, and many other important scientists, residents, and community leaders.
A short teaser video of the documentary will be screened at the Chatham Orpheum Theatre on Saturday, June 24th at 10:00 AM along with the award-winning production “Explore the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge” The screening will be presented by the Friends of Monomoy, a generous contributing partner in our production.
FREE tickets for this screening can be reserved at the Chatham Orpheum Theatre website at
You can also reserve tickets directly from Eventbrite at this link
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