Micheal Moore was a key player in the success of our earlier work on the interactive exhibit “Explore the Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge” with his remarkable drone video he was able to capture of the remote wilderness islands off the coast of Chatham. Michael returns to assist us as one of a handful of marine biologists who works with the federal government to determine the cause of death for protected marine mammals. He has ongoing support for this work from the NOAA Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program.
Although he works with many species of whales, Moore has devoted much of his career to understanding the endangered North Atlantic right whale which are too often the victims of human activities. Much of Micheals work has been conducted with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.
Michaeal took time out of his busy schedule to sit down with us at his office at WHOI to discuss the warming waters in the Gulfof Maine caused by climate change and the impact of right whales spending more time in Cape Cod Bay exposing them to extended risk of human derived threats such as entanglement and vessel strikes.